Thank you to our generous supporters

In July-August 2019, we ran a successful crowd funding campaign on Pozible to raise money to cover the essentials of getting GIVback set up: including insurance costs, harvesting equipment, safety gear and transport. We exceeded our target of $4000! Thank you to our generous supporters who pledged their support to get GIVback off the ground and into the fields:

Abdurrahman T - Aoife R - Caitlin
Caroline H - Catherine J - Elizabeth J
Ella W - Elouise B - Emily W
Feedback - Holly S - Huw AE
Ian J - Jackie M - James T
Jo W - Jolene G - Kako B
Lap C - Laura V - Leeanne W
Louisa C - Maddie L - Marsha E
Michael SM - Parvathi - Shen B
Sophie O - Spair Pair - Steph B
Stuart C - Tamar S
The Monash Muslimahs
Umesh P - Uzay C - Vishaki V
